Hana Connor
telefon: +420 773 470 689
e-mail: foto@connorphotos.com
Filip Jandourek
telefon: +420 731 696 026
e-mail: foto@filipjandourek.com
Fakturační údaje
Filip Jandourek
Šmeralova 8, 170 00 Praha 7
IČO: 07093217
Have any questions?
Rates will be tailored to the assigment, so please contact us via email or phone for a quotation. It would be helpful if you could include the following:
Event photography
Date, venue and itineary will be needed for, along with a little bit about the event.
Portrait photography
Available dates for shooting and due date to have the images ready and retouched, number of people to be photographed and the type of images you are looking for. For example you could need 10 formal headshots, or a mixture of formal and informal portraits of your CEO.
Interior photography
Venue and date for shooting, number of rooms to be photographed (to include exterior if needed), and approximate number of final photos required.
Wedding photography
Date of your wedding, ceremony and reception venue, aprox. number of guests, itineary if possible.